More Evidence For Vitamin D

Do you want a decreased risk of death, heart disease, cancer, and respiratory illness?  Research continues to show that in real world patients normal vitamin D levels are essential for good overall health.

A new, large study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine shows vitamin D supplementation is associated with:

10% lower risk of all-cause death

11% lower risk of cardiovascular disease

11% lower risk of cancer

29% lower risk of respiratory disease

These benefits were with just taking the supplement! MANY of the participants still had sub-optimal Vitamin D levels.

Do you know your Vitamin D level?

Is this something you’ve been screened for?

For our patients, a vitamin D level test is currently only $30 ($25 for the lab, $5 handling) and even less when part of your annual wellness exam labs (total $83: $77 for labs and $5 handling) or of more comprehensive lab packages. Are you interested in health-focused, affordable healthcare? Consider enrolling today.

Shane D. Anderson

The owner and practitioner at Re:Generations.


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