Higher Daily Step Counts Decrease Risk Of Death
A new article discusses the benefits of physical activity, specifically walking, on health and longevity. The article summarizes a meta-analysis of 17 studies that looked at the relationship between the number of steps taken per day and the risk of death from any cause and from cardiovascular disease.
The analysis found that for each 1000-step increase in daily step count, there was a 15% reduction in the risk of death from any cause, and for each 500-step increase, there was a 7% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
The analysis also showed that even small increases in step count, such as going from a sedentary lifestyle to low physical activity, had significant health benefits. The study found that a daily step count of 4000 steps was enough to significantly reduce the risk of death, and higher step counts were associated with even greater reductions in risk. The analysis also showed that the benefits of walking were similar for both men and women and were seen in different geographical regions.
This study lends support to efforts at increasing your daily step count to obtain significant health benefits. Let’s help increase public awareness of the importance of daily physical activity, particularly walking, in our communities and families.
If you need help reaching your fitness goals consider an evaluation and planning visit with our Physical Therapist, Nathan Smith. Click “Contact Us” above, or call us at 641-200-1165.
Maciej Banach and others, on behalf of the Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration (LBPMC) Group and the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP), The association between daily step count and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a meta-analysis, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 2023; https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjpc/zwad229