Welcome To The Re:Generations Blog


Welcome to the Re:Generations blog.

From our family’s clinic in Oskaloosa, Iowa, the Re:Generation blog is a place to find clear, reliable, and applicable health information. Our goal here is to provide encouragement and guidance for healthy living to the glory of God. We will also use this blog to announce upcoming healthy living events and community happenings in Oskaloosa, Pella, Knoxville, and the surrounding areas of Iowa, and online.

While we seek to provide accurate and useful information, you should not consider the information here to be specific to your exact health situation, and you should seek the advise of a competent medical provider before implementing new health practices. If you are our patient, feel free to contact us through the patient portal to discuss how any information here might intersect with your health concerns. And if you are not our patient, we invite you to consider becoming a member.

Shane D. Anderson

The owner and practitioner at Re:Generations.


“Health” “Care”